TaxAct is the Completely Free Federal Option

TaxAct is the Completely Free Federal Option

If you are looking for the best and completely free option for filling your federal tax return this season, TaxAct is the solution for you. You can prepare, print, and eFile your return for no fee what-so-ever and only pay a small $13.95 free if your state requires an income tax return.

Deluxe and Ultimate

There are two additional versions available of the TaxAct online tax preparation software which you might need in special situations. The Deluxe version offers parents of soon to be college students the option of completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with ease along with their return. And the Ultimate which includes everything you need for both your federal return and your state return for a low price of $16.95.

Your return is secure and your information is private with TaxAct. START YOUR RETURN TODAY!

Top Five IRS Tax Tips

Top Five IRS Tax Tips for January 2009

The IRS has released their top 10 tax tips for January 2009 and we are presenting the first 5 tips here for you. Make sure to check back with us for more tax tips and great tax services available online for your 2008 tax return.

English: United States Internal Revenue Servic...
English: United States Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  1. Check you return one more time. When you are ready to file your return online, make sure all the social security numbers are correct and all calculations are accurate.

  2. Consider e-Filing. When you file your return online the time it takes to get your refund is twice as fast according to the IRS versus when you file a paper return.

  3. Direct Deposit is even faster. When the IRS is able to deposit your return directly into your account, you’ll receive it quicker than if you wait for a check in the mail from the federal government.

  4. Take a look at The government site has all kinds of good stuff including tips, forms, frequently asked questions, and new tax laws that change during the tax filing season.

  5. The IRS also answers questions. If you have a pressing question that you cannot find the answer to online, the IRS has a customer service line that you can call with all your tax questions. It is 1-800-829-1040.