Making Filing Much Easier

Filing Back Taxes

The approach that you take when filing back taxes will make a very big difference in your life. It is important for you to avoid putting off dealing with your taxes, this is a mistake that many people make. If you allow time to pass, you run the risk of forgetting and having to deal with panic that results from an approaching deadline. As such, you want to take advantage of software that would help you to streamline the process of dealing with your 2008 taxes. All you will need to do is enter your financial information and answer a few questions. These questions are designed to help determine how much you are responsible for while limiting your financial burden. The process is very quick, it will allow you to get rid of the stress that comes along with having to file back taxes.

Tax Preparation
Tax Preparation (Photo credit: agrilifetoday)

Additionally, you may want to speak with a professional that would be able to look at your financial situation in order to determine your liability. People tend to think that they do not need help when it comes to dealing with taxes. However, this is simply not the case. Following the guidelines set forward is the only way that you will be able to avoid making a mistake. Software can help to safeguard you while reducing the amount of time that it would otherwise take to get this portion of your life in order going forward.

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – October 23, 2012

Welcome to the October 23, 2012 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start with Anisha from the NerdWallet who takes a look at oil companies and the taxes they pay. Bill Smith reviews H&R Block’s small business tax software. Anna Deguzman looks over the Fiscal Cliff and how the two presidential candidates will handle the crisis. Finally we have four easy ways to save money on your taxes that you can implement before the year ends. Hope you get a chance to read all the posts here, bookmark for later, share on the social networks like Twitter and Facebook and follow the carnival in the future.

tax law

Bill Smith presents File Your Taxes posted at 2010Taxes, saying, “When it comes to online tax filing security is the major issue. Many people may like the concept or many might look down, most of them may feel worried about putting their information all on the internet and doubt that is it actually safe and secure to submit your tax return this way.”


Bill Smith presents Gay Marriage Increases Federal Tax Headaches posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, “The advent of a new era in our nation’s history brings with it more than gay marriage acceptance; we are witnessing the dawn of a new era of federal tax headaches.”

Bill Smith
presents 2010 Tax Credits For Your Home posted at 2010 Tax, saying, “For those of you thinking of buying a new home but are not sure about the 2010 tax credits, maybe this will help you.”

[email protected]
presents Should oil companies pay higher taxes? Prof. Ho explains the economics of optimal taxation posted at NerdWallet, saying, “Should oil companies pay higher taxes? Prof. Ho teaches the economics of optimal taxes for the purpose of reducing the federal deficit.”

Bill Smith presents Tips to Get TurboTax Discounts posted at 2009 Tax, saying, “Turbotax software comes in various different versions like Premier, Deluxe, etc. Turbo tax software is used to prepare both State & Federal Income Tax Returns.”

Bill Smith
presents How to get online tax refunds with H&R Block? posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, “Nowadays there are many tax filing programs available online, but even today most of the people think twice while filing their income tax returns using these online programs.”

Bill Smith
presents H&R Block- Small Business Tax Software Review posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, “H&R Block is one of the best tax preparation software used worldwide. Today more than 500 million clients mainly in Australia, the U.S., and Canada use H&R block.”

[email protected] Obama vs. Romney vs. The Fiscal Cliff posted at NerdWallet Blog – Credit Card Watch, saying, “What change will the impending “fiscal cliff” bring? The nerds weigh in on the issue and the roles the presidential candidates could play.”


Bill Smith presents FreeTaxUSA- Prepare your Taxes Yourself posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “There are several tax preparation programs available online. Let’s begin with a very simple and a detailed review.”

John Schmoll presents 4 Simple Ways to Save Money on Taxes Before Year End posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Tax season is quickly approaching us. Don’t fall behind and wait til the last minute to prepare for it. There are numerous things you can do now to help save you money and give less to Uncle Sam.”
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Tax Refunds with H&R Block

How to get online tax refunds with H&R Block?

Nowadays there are many tax filing programs available online, but even today most of the people think twice while filing their income tax returns using these online programs.  Many taxpayers still does not trust these online tax programs and prefer doing it themselves or seek help from experts to file their returns.

TurboTax and H&R Block are 2 of the best known services that offer free online tax filing programs to the public. Both the programs offer a step by step way for completing the tax form and allow filing of the complete income tax return online. Both the programs are user-friendly and all the instructions are easy to understand. The programs even do the mathematical part for you, ensuring that you file a mathematically correct return.

H&R Block has software that can be downloaded to help you prepare your taxes on your own and getting the tax refunds back faster along with the satisfaction that you did it by yourself. For tax filing all that you need is to fill in the required information data with a step by step guide and the program automatically computes prints and files the tax return. The program also has an automatic checker which checks the form for any mistakes before the sending it off. This is really great as there is nothing bad than getting a notice for any mistakes on the taxes from IRS, making delay in the tax refunds.

If you are self employed, an investor or even a homeowner you can file the refunds to. If will only cost you to download and file the return though, but the return forms will have all the required information and assistance you need to file the return yourself and thus, save your time from having to go to the location.

Benefits Of Using Turbo Tax Advance

TurboTax advance

Getting your taxes done is never a fun time. However, you may not realize you can easily do your own taxes, if you have all the information readily available. This is when you should know more about the benefits of TurboTax advance. Once you know about the benefits of using turbotax advance, you will not want to send your taxes out to any other company, nor will you dread doing your taxes anymore.

The first benefit you can find is this program is easy to use. With the easy to use interface, you just have to put in the information in the proper spots. Then you can have the information calculated out for you automatically making it easy for you to take care of the taxes on a regular basis.

Another benefit you can find is the program is up to date on all the latest tax law changes. With it being so up to date, you do not have to be concerned about the program not providing you with the breaks you have earned or even the credits you should be getting. Without this, you can easily miss out on some of the credits or deductions and end up paying more in taxes.

Something else you will like is the program searches out any of the items you need to have to get a refund. When you have this type of program searching out for you, it is easy to know you are finding all you can qualify for. Then you can get your money back, rather then having to pay.

Using a program like turbo tax advance is a great thing to do. When you are able to use this program, you can easily get your taxes done without the headache or worry about them being done wrong.

Free Federal Tax Filing

Free Federal Tax Filing

Most tax payers find it difficult to pay their taxes in the expected time, except those who are familiar with the free online tax filing website provided by the IRS. The website gives information on how to fill out the forms and the requirements one should have. It provides a step by step procedure making the task simple and overly convenient.

Free Federal Tax FilingThe program software that can be used to file free of charge can only be used by those who are qualified. Free tax filing involves doing one’s taxes on an online form and is easier and faster than the traditional method of paper filing. The IRS provides free federal tax filing services for anyone that earns an adjusted gross income of less than $57,000. Having e-filed the correct information, a notification from the IRS is electronically mailed to you. The services that are provided include filing a tax payment, filing tax returns and finally filing a tax refund.

In readiness for filling the online forms, one should have at hand, a copy of the previous year’s tax return, determine ones adjusted gross income (AGI) and go through the free file FAQs and free file fill-able forms FAQs. After filling in the free federal tax filing forms with the right information, one should transmit it using a secure IRS e-file.

Can You Discharge Your Tax Debts In Bankruptcy Court

There are many debts that you can discharge through bankruptcy. Is tax debt eligible for discharge through bankruptcy? In some circumstances, a taxpayer can go to bankruptcy court and have an old tax debt discharged. There are criteria that have to be met for that to happen.

The Debt Was From A Tax Year At Least Three Years Ago

A petitioner facing a judge in bankruptcy court today would only be eligible for relief from taxes filed before 2009. Any other tax debt would be ineligible for discharge in bankruptcy court. The 36 month period starts on the day that your tax debt was due. Any extension of your due date will extend the amount of time you have to wait before that debt becomes eligible for discharge.

The Tax Return Was Filed At Least Two Years Ago

Taxes that were filed after 2010 would not be eligible for discharge at the current time. Any recent tax debt would not be eligible for tax relief until 24 months after filing. The 24 month time period begins on the day that you actually file your tax return. Tax returns that were not filed will not qualify for discharge no matter how old that debt may be.

Your Tax Debt Must Be At Least 240 Days Old

The tax debt must be assessed at least 240 days before you can ask for the debt to be discharged. It does not matter in what manner the tax was assessed against you. However, it might be easier to get the debt discharged if the tax assessment was a result of self-reporting of taxable income.

The Return Was Filed In Good Faith

A judge is not going to discharge any tax debt based on a falsified tax return. Attempting to evade taxes is not an acceptable basis to have your debts discharged. The IRS will help to determine whether the returns were filed in good faith or not.

Your Creditors Will See Your Returns

It is important that the borrower files their taxes on time each year. The bankruptcy court is going to ask for your last four tax returns. Your creditors are going to have access to any tax information that you hand over to the court. Furthermore, you would have needed to have your tax return filed before you first met with any debt relief services. You may not be able to reach a tax debt settlement if you did not file your taxes before seeking relief.

It is possible that your tax debt could be discharged. However, you have to make sure that you were actually filing your tax returns in an honest manner. Tax debt may not be eligible for discharge if you are simply trying to evade payment of taxes. Do plenty of research before you seek any relief from past tax debt. The courts will not be likely to discharge your debt if you do not follow all of the rules. Ignorance of the law is never a defense.