Looking At The TurboTax Redesign

If you’ve used TurboTax before, then you should expect some changes this time around. Recently, Intuit’s tax software has become a little confusing. The user interface didn’t exactly welcome simplicity and efficiency. Sometimes, users would get frustrated by looping links and other problems. Such issues could easily hurt a person while preparing their taxes using the software. Intuit finally listened to customers’ concerns and made changes to the popular tax preparation software in a TurboTax Redesign.

TurboTax Redesign
Screenshot: Intuit’s Customer Community (Photo credit: miss_rogue)

For TurboTax 2014, filing taxes now looks a lot smoother and easier to navigate. A TurboTax Redesign of the user interface has been undertaken and completed. Intuit stated a desire to lessen the time required to complete a return. With that in mind, the software now takes better advantage of prior year returns. TurboTax now analyzes that information and focuses upon each person’s typical tax situation. Returns are partially filled out before a person even starts their return.

While using the software, your tax liability indicator changes with each tax question. In the past, there were no real explanations for the changes. TurboTax 2014 now explains why these calculations affect your tax liability. New guides help explain various tax law changes, including Obamacare. Of course, each modification is designed to make things more simple and efficient for filing taxes and filing back taxes. Intuit has returned power to taxpayers by allowing them to complete their taxes with ease.

In the end, the company focused upon the right things for TurboTax 2014. Filing taxes is now much easier because prior returns are utilized to create a custom experience for each taxpayer. Plus, the competition hasn’t made similar bounds forward. Therefore, Intuit still offers the best tax preparation software around. Nobody needs to spend a fortune on tax preparation because Turbo Tax offers every tool a person needs to succeed each year.

IRS Tax Lawyer Due Diligence

IR$ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

IRS Tax Lawyer Due Diligence

Tax attorneys can help people with IRS problems. The IRS is always willing to work with the tax payer to get issues resolved. But most people need professional representation because of the complex rules and regulations involved in most tax matters. An experienced irs tax lawyer will have a complete understanding of the applicable rules and regulations as well as the internal workings of the IRS. The typical tax payer that tries to go it alone will spend a lot of time talking to people at the IRS and get nothing accomplished. This is because they do not have access to the right people inside the IRS, the decision makers. An experienced irs tax lawyer will have access to the right people and be able to get issues resolved in a much more timely manner than the typical tax payer. This alone will save money on interest and penalties.

Many tax resolution companies that advertise on TV and over the internet do not actually have tax attorneys on staff. They sell the person on a tax resolution service and then outsource the business to an actual tax attorney. The taxpayer ends up with a tax attorney that they know nothing about and had no say in selecting and the price for the services are higher because there is another party involved in the process that must get paid. The most important thing when selecting a tax resolution firm is the due diligence or research by the tax payer to find a reputable firm that actually has tax attorneys on staff to handle their tax problems. Elias V. Lorenzana Jr is an experienced tax attorney, find out more by visiting  . Also see Mouris Behboud at , he offers services nationwide.

3 Steps for Finding the Right Tax Lawyer for Your California Business

Every year, businesses in San Diego come face to face with tax disputes from the IRS. And when it comes to taxes, there is very rarely such thing as an open-and-shut case. When your business is faced with anything from an audit to a battle with the IRS, it is essential to find a well-qualified lawyer to take on your case. Regardless of whether the case is minor or requires extensive documentation and work, having a well-versed California attorney on your side will ease the burden on your business to do extra tax law research, and let you get back to what you do best, which is run your company.

But as a business owner, you may be wondering where to start. Finding the right lawyer could mean the difference between a win and a loss against the IRS, so it is perhaps the most important piece of the tax case puzzle. Here are three things to look for when finding the right San Diego tax lawyer:

  • Narrow the focus – Depending on whether your case has to do with state or national taxes, you need a lawyer who is well educated in the right type of tax law. If possible, focus the search even closer and drill down to the attorney with the greatest amount of experience dealing with cases similar or nearly identical to your own. By understanding his or her qualifications and past experiences, you can ensure you are selecting the right lawyer for your case.
  • Don’t jump at the first lawyer you speak to – It is OK to interview a few lawyers before settling on the one who will fight your battle with you. Comparing law firms and abilities will help you make the right decision for your case, and keep you confident throughout the process that you chose the right law firm to take on your fight. With such an important decision to the success of your case, it is a good idea to go the extra mile and interview more than one firm.
  • Research your prospects – Once you have a few names picked out, take an extra step and do your own research on their backgrounds. Talk to the bar association or past clients to find out how easy the firm was to work with and what you can expect from it during your own case. Search the Internet for various forms of information, too. There may be some extra info not provided by the lawyer that is available online about his or her reputation and abilities.

Start your search by narrowing the focus down to which lawyers will be well suited to manage your case with the IRS. Then, be sure to interview more than one prospect and do your own research on the side to find the perfect fit for your specific needs.

Becky loves to write. Her favorite subject to write about is finances. If you’d like more information regarding San Diego tax lawyer, please visit http://www.allenbarron.com/

When Are Taxes Due? And Other Answers to Your Tax Questions

When Are 2011 Taxes Due? And Other Answers to Your Tax Questions

Whether you file your taxes on your own or with the help of a tax professional, the entire process can leave you with questions. From trying to figure out the tax code changes between this year and the last to trying to make sense of the various deductions you can take, filing taxes is rarely ever straightforward.

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions regarding taxes:

1. When are 2011 taxes due?

While April 15 is the classic due date, you must have your taxes filed by April 17 in 2012. Because the 15th falls on a Sunday and the 16th is a holiday in the District of Columbia, you get an extra couple of days to get those tax papers to the IRS.

2. Where should I mail my tax return in 2012?

The addresses for the IRS facilities to which you mail a paper return have changed. Be sure to look over your form instructions to find the proper mailing address. Not doing so could lead to penalties for late filing due to returned mail.

3. What amount do I claim for standard deductions and exemptions?

Good news! The amount for both of these categories has actually increased this year. If you do not itemize your deductions, then your standard deduction is higher. Also, instead of only being able to deduct $50 per exemption, you will be able to deduct $3,700 for each one on 2011 taxes.

4. Can I still claim the first-time home buyers tax credit on my return?

This credit is not available anymore. However, if you are a member of the military or if you work in the intelligence sector, you may still be able to claim it.

5. Can I still claim the alternative motor vehicle credit?

New fuel cell motor vehicles are still eligible for the credit in 2011.

6. What is the limit on age for claiming a dependent?

If you are claiming your child as a dependent, you can only claim them if they are under the age of 19, under the age of 24 and a full-time student for at least five months of the tax year, or completely disabled at any age. You can also claim certain qualifying relatives if they meet the proper criteria.

7. Can I direct deposit my IRS refund into multiple accounts?

Yes, you may split your refund however you like and deposit it into up to three different accounts.

8. How do you claim head of household status for tax purposes?

If you were unmarried and the primary caregiver of a child that lived with you for over six months of the year, you can file as Head of Household. To qualify, you don’t need to claim the child as a dependent.

Tax code and rules change from year to year. If you ever have any doubts about any section of your tax forms, you should contact a tax consultant or the IRS to clarify. Making mistakes on your taxes can result in audits and fines.

  • Source

RG Brenner wants to remind you that filing your taxes properly and claiming deductions you qualify for are important for minimizing your taxes. If you still have questions about the 2011 taxes or if you need assistance in filing your taxes, visit www.rgbrenner.com.

Finding A CPA Who Knows Real Estate Tax Laws

Finding a Certified Public Accountant, or CPA, who knows real estate tax laws is essential, whether you are a big investor or a small time homeowner. Why is it so important to seek out a qualified CPA? For starters, look at the U.S. Tax Code. This monstrosity spans millions of pages, and is a construct of the early 20th Century. Over the years it has grown and grown and grown, till the point that it is unstoppable, sort of like in that old horror movie “The Blob.” And many ordinary Americans are equally terrified of it. They are, because they hear scary stories all the time about the Internal Revenue Administration and the harsh punishments for tax evasion. They are afraid that if they do not know the millions of pages, they will be punished in a severe financial or even legal way.

Who can blame them? If you gave one tax return to 10 different CPAs, they would probably come up with 10 different final numbers. (Maybe 11.) How is the ordinary American supposed to make sense of all this and fulfill the requirements as set forth by law? The best way is to actually find that quality CPA and put him to work for you. There are countless benefits that a CPA can bring to the table:

  1. Screw-ups do not have to be blamed on the client.

If something goes wrong, it is not necessarily your fault. All you really have to do is bring all tax related documents, and you have the ammunition that you need to get things done. If there is an error of entry, then you have a record to protect you.

  1. Good CPAs give you peace of mind.

You could go on worrying about those CPA mixups, but the truth of the matter is they don’t happen that often. Most of the time, CPAs know how to work within the confines of the tax code better than you would be able to.

  1. Good CPAs will make you more money than they cost you.

This one is very true. While you may be able to do your taxes yourself, it will cost you much in time, and you will likely still not find all the things out there that can be used to your advantage. While a CPA will charge you for the work they do, they are relieving you of the mental burden and usually finding higher amounts of money for a return, so that you still come out ahead.

With all the reasons to try a qualified CPA, why wouldn’t you want to? The tax code is too complicated to go it alone, and you have too much to lose otherwise.

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