Welcome to the April 10, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. We start this edition with a post from Dominic Mondal on Securing your Pension Plan by Investing in Self Managed Super Funds. Bill Smith takes a look at the U.S. tax reform and the effect of a decrease in the tax code’s bias for debt. John Schmoll has 4 Ways to Make Filing Taxes Easier from the Frugal Rules blog. And finally Edward Webber presents The New Tax Code for 2013-2014. Hope you enjoy the articles, bookmark, share, tweet, like on Facebook and come back for our next edition.
dominic mondal presents Securing your Pension Plan by Investing in Self Managed Super Funds and Property posted at Recent Articles.
Bill Smith presents U.S. tax reform – Effect of decrease in the tax code’s bias for debt posted at 2012 Tax – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “The much awaited tax reform has at last arrived to reduce the tax code’s bias for debt.”
John Schmoll presents 4 Simple Ways to Make Filing Taxes Easier Every Year – Frugal Rules posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Very few people enjoy doing and filing their taxes. However, with a few simple steps you can make the process easier every year.”
John Schmoll presents Financial Advisor Compensation – Why it Matters posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “A financial advisor can be a great way to help you grow your portfolio when you have long term goals in mind. Make sure you do your homework and hire one that you feel right about and best fits your needs and goals.”
tax law
Bill Smith presents The Discretion of the President to Plan Cuts Under Debate posted at 2012 Tax – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “President Barack Obama has been pretty vocal about the effect that automatic budget cuts are going to have.”
Alan Webster presents A Day in the Life of a Trader posted at TradingAcademy.com, saying, “Have you ever wondered what the average day is like for a trader? In this blog post we interview Steve Moses, an options trader, to sneak a peek into his average day.”
Edward Webber presents The New Tax Code for 2013-2014 posted at TaxFix Feed Update, saying, “In the UK the tax allowance is about to increase. This means that anyone working in the country can earn 9,449 pounds before they need to pay any tax. This post explains all about it.”
Bill Smith presents Innovations For Turbo Tax 2013 posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Professional accounting can help business owners save time and resources, and the Turbo Tax 2013 CPA Select edition by Intuit may be the ideal solution for tax filing season.”
Bill Smith presents Easy Online Tax Filing With Free Turbo Tax 2013 Software posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, “Having expert tax assistance can be the best way to avoid financial penalties, complete your filing on time, and maximize your refund.”
Bill Smith presents The Benefits Of Using TurboTax 2013 To File Your Taxes posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “If you have never used Turbo Tax before, you need to consider filing your taxes with this computer program this year.”
Bill Smith presents Jackson Hewitts Tax Advice For Recent College Graduates posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, “Recently, Jackson Hewitt released its biggest tax tips for college graduates. Recent graduates often make some big mistakes on their returns that are more than avoidable.”
Bill Smith presents Last Minute Tax Tips When Using Turbo Tax 2013 posted at 2009 Tax, saying, “Before you head to TurboTax.com, take a moment to read through these tips. With the deadline approaching, you need to know what to do at the last minute to make the filing process successful.”
Bill Smith presents Finding The Right Online Tax Prep posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, “The nice thing about these different options is that they are all free and allow you to quickly get your information in so you can receive your refund.”
Bill Smith presents TurboTax Helps Users Get More Accurate Tax Returns posted at 2010 Tax, saying, “Each year, Americans are forced to go through last year’s financial information and prepare a tax return.”
John Schmoll presents How Should You Spend Your Tax Return? posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “The average tax return is nearly $3,000. Receiving that sum of money all at once can lead to easy temptation. Make sure you make wise decisions with that money, whether it be paying off debt or investing for the future so you can make the money work for you.”
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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