Intuit TurboTax Class Action Lawsuit

Intuit TurboTax Class Action Lawsuit

Intuit TurboTax began drawing a lot of customers to their site when they began marketing, ‘file 2008 taxes free‘. However, a class action lawsuit was filed against Intuit TurboTax stating that the company was not revealing fees being charged. The lawsuit stems from TurboTax allowing filers to have their preparation fees deducted from their tax return. TurboTax charged an additional $29.95 if online customers opted to have fees deducted.

Class Action (film)
Class Action (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The lawsuit alleges Intuit’s processing fee was not disclosed as a finance charge so an APR or annual percentage rate was never provided. Since TurboTax essentially lent money to filers who chose this option, an APR should have been present. There was another class action lawsuit, Smith v. Intuit, Inc in February, 2013, which was resolved with the new lawsuit pending.

Intuit has denied that it was involved in any deception or wrongdoing and agreed to give customers full refunds through the class action settlement fund.

Currently there is a $6.55 million Settlement Fund. How much each person will receive depends on the number of people who actually file a valid claim form. The deadline to submit a claim form is October 28, 2013.

Anyone who used TurboTax online and opted to have their TurboTax fees deducted from their refund between January 12, 2008 and May 28, 2012 can take part in the settlement. Claims can be filed online at the official website, TurboTax Class Account, which makes the process easier for anyone wishing to file.

Intuit TurboTax is a very popular online software tax preparation that walks people through the process of filing their federal and state income taxes. They check the return for errors and you have the choice to e-file, which makes getting refunds faster.

Most Taxpayers Don’t Cheat

Most Taxpayers Don’t Cheat

Paying taxes is required for both citizens and non-citizens. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are racing to get your taxes done by the April 15 deadline, you are not alone. Millions of Americans will file their taxes this year, and more than ever will file taxes online. One of the most common misconceptions about tax filing is that everyone cheats on their taxes. Studies have shown, however, that the majority of Americans are against cheating on taxes.

Who Cheats on Taxes?

Surprisingly few people cheat on their taxes. Aside from the big news stories about wealthy real estate magnates evading taxes, it is rare to hear about tax cheating. With a variety of deductions and credits that reduce the average tax bill, most people don’t see the advantage of cheating on their taxes.

According to a poll conducted by the IRS, the majority of Americans agree that cheating on your taxes is never okay. Only a small percentage of taxpayers surveyed said that they regularly cheat on their taxes. The IRS depends on the self-reporting of taxpayers to uphold the integrity of the tax system. They report that only 1% of taxpayers are ever subject to an IRS audit.

With safeguards in place to prevent dishonesty, it is difficult to cheat on your taxes. When you receive tax forms such as interest income forms from your bank, the IRS also receives a copy of that information. Banks, employers and other financial institutions are required to report this income to the IRS at the end of the tax year.

Software like Turbo Taxes has checks and balances in place to ensure that all of the information you input is factual and correct. The software will even allow you to go back and check past returns for errors.

Filing Your Taxes Online

Filing your taxes online with Turbo Taxes is easy. With a team of tax preparation experts at your disposal, you can be sure that your taxes will be filed correctly every time. When you file your tax return online, it is electronically submitted to the IRS for immediate processing. You will be notified of the status of your return within a few days.

Get the refund you deserve when you file your taxes online. Although most taxpayers will never face an audit, you can be assured that you have support should the IRS need more information from you. With audit protection, you never have to worry about facing an IRS audit alone.

Don’t let the April 15 tax filing deadline creep up on you. File your taxes today.

87% say it’s never okay to cheat on taxes


Tax Refunds with H&R Block

How to get online tax refunds with H&R Block?

Nowadays there are many tax filing programs available online, but even today most of the people think twice while filing their income tax returns using these online programs.  Many taxpayers still does not trust these online tax programs and prefer doing it themselves or seek help from experts to file their returns.

TurboTax and H&R Block are 2 of the best known services that offer free online tax filing programs to the public. Both the programs offer a step by step way for completing the tax form and allow filing of the complete income tax return online. Both the programs are user-friendly and all the instructions are easy to understand. The programs even do the mathematical part for you, ensuring that you file a mathematically correct return.

H&R Block has software that can be downloaded to help you prepare your taxes on your own and getting the tax refunds back faster along with the satisfaction that you did it by yourself. For tax filing all that you need is to fill in the required information data with a step by step guide and the program automatically computes prints and files the tax return. The program also has an automatic checker which checks the form for any mistakes before the sending it off. This is really great as there is nothing bad than getting a notice for any mistakes on the taxes from IRS, making delay in the tax refunds.

If you are self employed, an investor or even a homeowner you can file the refunds to. If will only cost you to download and file the return though, but the return forms will have all the required information and assistance you need to file the return yourself and thus, save your time from having to go to the location.

File an Extension in Minutes

File an Extension in Minutes

In just 5 minutes you can get a 6 month extension beyond the normal April 15, 2009 deadline this year. Everyone is eligible and you will receive an email notification after the IRS has approved your extension. These are the great services offered by FileLater LC.

IRSlogo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Benefits of FileLater LC

There are great reasons to you FileLater LC that you should consider if you want extra time to make sure your return is completed accurately and to your greatest advantage. The company’s online service is easy to understand and the process takes just minutes. The online application is secure with McAfee so you know your information will not be compromised. And their support team is there to assist you if you have questions.

Payment System for Owed Taxes

Filing an extension does not allow you to avoid paying any tax owed to the IRS prior to the due date, it only allows you the extra time you need to complete the return and file it with the government. Therefore, FileLater LC has an online payment system in place so you can make a payment when you file your extension if you feel that you will owe taxes when you compete your return.