Most Taxpayers Don’t Cheat
Paying taxes is required for both citizens and non-citizens. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)If you are racing to get your taxes done by the April 15 deadline, you are not alone. Millions of Americans will file their taxes this year, and more than ever will file taxes online. One of the most common misconceptions about tax filing is that everyone cheats on their taxes. Studies have shown, however, that the majority of Americans are against cheating on taxes.
Who Cheats on Taxes?
Surprisingly few people cheat on their taxes. Aside from the big news stories about wealthy real estate magnates evading taxes, it is rare to hear about tax cheating. With a variety of deductions and credits that reduce the average tax bill, most people don’t see the advantage of cheating on their taxes.
According to a poll conducted by the IRS, the majority of Americans agree that cheating on your taxes is never okay. Only a small percentage of taxpayers surveyed said that they regularly cheat on their taxes. The IRS depends on the self-reporting of taxpayers to uphold the integrity of the tax system. They report that only 1% of taxpayers are ever subject to an IRS audit.
With safeguards in place to prevent dishonesty, it is difficult to cheat on your taxes. When you receive tax forms such as interest income forms from your bank, the IRS also receives a copy of that information. Banks, employers and other financial institutions are required to report this income to the IRS at the end of the tax year.
Software like Turbo Taxes has checks and balances in place to ensure that all of the information you input is factual and correct. The software will even allow you to go back and check past returns for errors.
Filing Your Taxes Online
Filing your taxes online with Turbo Taxes is easy. With a team of tax preparation experts at your disposal, you can be sure that your taxes will be filed correctly every time. When you file your tax return online, it is electronically submitted to the IRS for immediate processing. You will be notified of the status of your return within a few days.
Get the refund you deserve when you file your taxes online. Although most taxpayers will never face an audit, you can be assured that you have support should the IRS need more information from you. With audit protection, you never have to worry about facing an IRS audit alone.
Don’t let the April 15 tax filing deadline creep up on you. File your taxes today.
87% say it’s never okay to cheat on taxes
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